Help with identifying Ball Python genetics

Hi I need some assistance identifying this Ball Python hatchling. Queen Bee, Super Lesser x Blade, pastel, pinstripe, het clown.
Any comments would be appreciated.

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It’s usually best to post them after they shed.
Can you also clarify on the genes?
Queenbee= pastel lesser spider
do you mean a pastel super lesser spider? or something else?

Hatchling looks to be a super pastel lesser spider pinstripe 50% het clown


First of all, beautiful hatchling! I’m kind of stumped on this one, but it looks to be some kind of spinner combo. Pictures after shedding would be helpful to see its true colors. I’m currently settling on pastel lesser spinner %50 het clown, but that might change once more photos are provided.

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Hi so the smaller image is her after shed a little more yellow with the black almost stripes? Mom was Queenbee x lesser.

I am not the best at this but I thought perhaps super lesser since Mom is so light colored with a yellow head. Thank you :+1:

If mom was a super lesser she would be a blue eye leucistic. White with blue eyes.
She’s a pastel, lesser, spider.

Edit: I could be wrong on the super pastel, but the baby is at least pastel, lesser, spider, pinstripe 50%het clown.
I wouldn’t be able to tell you on the blade though.


Wow you are right on the super lesser… don’t know why I didn’t realize it.
Thank you very much for your assistance.