Help with identifying genetics

Was planning on sending his next shed away for testing but thought I would ask the community for their thoughts while I wait! I am a newer ball python owner so I have no idea what my William is as far as morphs go. I was told he was a mystic by the person I got him from. Ignore my cat pants in the one photo!! Thanks!!

Ps. If the photos aren’t good enough let me know and I can get better ones. :slightly_smiling_face:


Before reading what you were told from the previous owner, I thought he looked a bit like a BEL gene.
Mystic makes sense especially since it does look like he only has that one gene.

There’s no shed test for the BEL genes yet, so unless you were told he’s possibly carrying a het, I wouldn’t bother. At a glance, I don’t think there’s yellowbelly complex, enchi or black pastel in him either

Mystics are neat though. And welcome to the forums!


Thanks! His previous owner didn’t know too terribly much about him (or care too much about him) so I’m glad to hear he actually is a mystic!


Welcome to the community! Your snake is very pretty! What’s his name? And I love your cat pants!


Thanks!! I’m excited to be a part of the community! His name is William snakespeare and he is 4 years old. He came with the name and I appreciate a good pun so I kept it!


Just an FYI, the tests out there do not identify every known morph so sending in a complete unknown and hoping for an ID off of it is not likely to help especially when it comes to an animal like yours. The animal pictured is indeed Mystic and there is not a test for any of the BluEL group morphs (nor the BlkELs)


Ok thank you for the information. I think I am not going to bother sending his shed away then. Seems like just a waste of money and time. I appreciate the help


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Hi! I’m new but think I have a Mojave… Any other thoughts? Thanks so much!!!

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Here’s one more photo:

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Are you asking for help to ID them? If so please create your own thread including all the info you have on them :blush:


Thank you! My first post here, I created my own thread.

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