Help with identifying morph needed

I just bought this beautiful hondurian boy as a bi-color super hypo but as i dont have any experience with milk snakes i would like to ask is that what you can see in him ? Im asking as his pattern seems to be vanishing and looks different to most of hypo i saw
What’s your thoughts :thinking:?


I agree with you on the pattern. There is vanishing pattern morph Hondurans that are in hypos, but they usually are more expensive then just hypo. It could just be a slightly different pattern, that can just happen randomly and is not genetic. Or maybe the person who sold it to you wasn’t confident that it was a vanishing pattern, and sold it at a lower price. As a seller I would not id or charge for a certain trait or morph unless I am 100% that it is in the snake. Very bright, nice looking snake either way though! Check out vanishing pattern hypo Hondurans though, it does look similar!


Hi thanks for reply
Yes i notice that it looks like vanishing but as this is my first hondurian i rather to ask , specially i don’t know much about genetic in this snakes


Looks like a Vanishing Pattern to me. You can see more examples by checking out “sold” animals here on MorphMarket as well as those currently for sale.

Me too. This may be what happened here. In any case, congratulations on your beautiful new snake.


Thank you for your replay guys
I must admit that i feel like i would win a lottery with this little guy
I manage to get in contact ( actually he contact me) with the person who imported this snake to UK
Turns out that he was imported by Matthew from Milkshake Mutations straight from Colubra in Belgium , so as far as i was informed he is also not related to any snake in uk which is a great news as well as confirmation on his genetics :slightly_smiling_face: