Help with identifying

Hi, I need help identifying my gecko. Below are some of his photos. I think it is pinstripe harlequin but i’m not sure. Thank you for all your help :grin:


Dark quadstripe dalmatian, could prove out to be empty back and whiteout would be my guess :blush:


Thank you for your reply :grin: So I thought wrong :crazy_face:

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He’s a gorgeous one though! I agree with what’s been said, and I love how dark he is:)


When it is fired it is even darker :grin:


Not a quadstripe as lateral lines are broken, however may be able to produce some if paired the the right gecko.

I’d say he’s a dark Harlequin pinstripe with dal spots (I can’t see many spots but he is dark so could be hiding them) & possible tipped crests.

If you are planning to breed, I’d suggest a female with big crests as his are small. Nice markings though


Thank you so much for such a specific response :grin: I don’t plan to multiply it, but thank you for your valuable note on pairing

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Partial Quadstripe with dal spots, also has snowflaking :smiling_face:

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thank you for the :grin:, but then I still don’t know 100% what it is​:crazy_face:

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