Help with morphs

Hi, looking to see if we can get some help with iding this clutch. Pairing was a pastel enchi male to what we were told was a pinstripe. This was her first clutch. Wondering if she has something else in her as well based on what came out. Babies are all pretty orange with some super orange. There are more pics. Clutch was 12 eggs, but here are some of them. Mom is pictured first. She is pretty light with low pattern. Pics dont do some of these babies justice on how orange they are…including the one that looks normal.


Hoping to get some response

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I am not good with IDing but I can actually tell you that’s a beautiful clutch!

I am new with ID, but I will still give it s go. Would be best to wait for someone more experienced though.

Out of the individual baby pics you sent I’d say:

  1. Enchi pinstripe
  2. Pastel
  3. Enchi lemonblast
  4. Enchi lemonblast
  5. Pinstripe
  6. Enchi pinstripe
  7. Enchi

I don’t know much about enchi so I could be totally wrong. But I agree, it’s a great clutch. I don’t see anything else in there either.

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1 Enchi pin
2 pastel
3 enchi pin
4 lemon blast
5 enchi pin maybe just pin would need better pictures
6 enchi pin
7 pastel maybe normal better pictures would help here to

And welcome to the community and congratulations on your clutch!


I would say…

1: Enchi pinstripe
2: Pastel
3: Enchi Pinstripe
4: Lemonblast
5: Pinstripe
6: Pinstripe
7: Normal (pos pastel)


Pretty much agree with the others. You have pastel, enchi and pin. Don’t see other genes, but you got a really nice mix in the clutch. Great job, they look very nice!


Thank you all. We have been told conflicting things like maybe mom has fire in her, so didnt know if that was coming through (had hoped it is what we were seeing).

So this one is the one we think is 3 gene but above is coming across as just 2. First picture. No doubt that it has pastel and pin, but it is so orange we believe enchi. So first pic is the one i provided. This snake is no doubt pastel pin

This is it in its egg, almost white

After hatch, compared to clutch

This is the 3 that are sooo orange and yellow. Bottom one, our thought, enchi lemonblast, middle-lemonblast, top (closest to fingers) enchi pin - this one has no blushing whatsoever which is why it is so weird that it carries the same body color as the other two


I will post individual replies with additional pics tonight that are in better lighting. That pic of mom was when we got her 2 years ago. She has since started to fade - get lighter, more white, and her head has a dot in the middle of the headstamp (that is passed on to a lot of the babies). She has basically no pattern as she progresses towards her tail. Her pattern is not busy like a lot of pinstripes i have seen. Thoughts or just pin?


Sorry to add so much and ask so much. Wanting to learn as much as possible. So since we have 12 babies and enchi in theix, want to understand it. When looking at enchi picks they all vary so much, but enchi causes banding and cleans up pattern for the most part, correct? Well most of the pins in our clutch have a very clean banded pattern, with only four exceptions( these have dots in the stripe down the back and close to head but that is it. They also have an orange blush coming up from the belly, but stopping at the sides. Is it safe to say we have four pinstripes and the rest are pinstripe enchi with the orange blush added? Examples, though i dont think they pic up the orange. Two pics per snake and then my conundrum

Enchi Pin?





These are pics of my conundrum. This snake is not pastel absolutely no head blushing out of egg, but it is orange and yellow compared to my other snakes and has very little pattern. Absolutely no doubt enchi pin, but why so much different than any other snake, even other enchi pins do not share the coloring and pics arent seeming to show the color variation. Also has that dot in its head pattern like mom. Any thoughts?


Oh, and here is a current pic of the possible 3 gene


And then here is my ??? Would think normal but has that dot on its head and really had no pigment when it hatched but wasnt a blushed out head


Lastly, my 3 pastels all look like this (smaller snake, reduced pattern, orange)and i know they are pastel. But also included a pic next to a pastel from another clutch same dad. Why is the pattern and coloring so much different? Again, learning

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Well you didn’t get any super enchi what gene would you think would be reducing it? Definitely no spider there. I’m going to say just pin.

And definitely no fire in her or your clutch imo.

Thank you i appreciate it.

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When dealing with pastels you will get a variance in brightness even in the same clutch.

I am also new to this, so lurker here, but I had to comment what a gorgeous clutch this is! :heart:


Welcome to the community and please feel free to stay out of the shadows!


Stop lurching and Walk into the light and join us! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
We’re a lovely bunch!
Why don’t you make a thread and show off your Animals! :grin: