Help with Mouth Rot

I’m happy you’re going to get a replacement, only reason why I’m happy is because the breeder is doing the right thing in offering that.
Obviously there is nothing happy about replacing a snakes that has passed, especially due to circumstances like this.
Maybe the best thing to do is skip this breeding season? I think that’s a good idea and you’ll be able to focus your mind instead of focusing on projects or clutches.
You can never replace any snake once you make that connection, and again I’m sorry for your loss. You tried Switch so keep that head high.


I’m so sorry. You did everything possible. I admire the way you handled all of this, bless you.


Thank you all, In good news, the male Northern, Odahviing, is doing very well. I’ve been keeping a close eye on him.


I am so sorry! Terrible thing to happen. I hope you are able to recuperate well and like you mentioned at least the male is doing well.


So yesterday was the day the breeder said he would ship me another female. We both agreed the temps for that day were too cold, I sent him an outlook for today and tomorrow. Then today, I send him an outlook for the rest of this week and next week. I haven’t heard from him at all since yesterday. I’m getting very tired of this.


Well I am very happy for you that at least he said he will replace your female. Even though this seller has already proved they are not top notch I would still give it another day for a response just because we dont know what they have going on outside of their reptile business. I hope it all ends well and update us if anything changes. Sorry this seller is giving you the run around.


Thanks man, I’m trying to be hopeful. I’ll give it another day, hopefully he keeps his word.


I’m so sorry that she passed on, she was indeed very beautiful. It’s so hard to lose a scaly buddy. :cry: I hope everything works out and that you get to make a new scaly friend. :snake:


Oh cr*p, thats heartbreaking. I know you saw I went through a somewhat similar experience and I just stumbled on this thread. My heart just plummetted for you. I’m also super non-confrontational and knowing that you were able to confront the breeder gives me a bit of confidence. I’m super hopeful for you and dang its hard


Thank you for your kind words. I’m
Sorry that you lost yours. I hope it gets better for you. And this breeder I got them from is a real piece of work, he’s made me exhausted about this whole situation.


UGH. I’m having my SO help me write an email to the breeder this weekend… I have a feeling we may have a shared experience in that. DM me if you need to vent :blush:


Thank you, my SO helped me with mine too, I would copy and paste what he wrote and edit it a little. Lol. It’s been over a week since her passing and it still hits hard, owning a pair of Northerns has been a long term goal. Same to you as well if you need to vent or advice with your breeder! :smile:


It has been nasty, after weeks of him telling me he was going to ship. I reported him to the FBI group on FB and he has acted very unpleasantly. Also contacted PayPal for dispute.


I cant explain how sorry I am that you have to go through that but he will get what he gives. What goes around really does come around.


Come to find out today, the man I got her from has a morph market account now.


Report it straight away to the support section of MM. You have more than enough evidence as well as this thread to support your claim.


Yep, what @nathan_e said. Just let @john see this and I am sure he will listen and be willing to help.


This is why I think under certain circumstances we should be allowed to share who these poor breeders are. I understand it’s not proper or polite to call someone out, but given everything he’s done wrong with this situation and how’s he’s acted with negligence, I don’t think breeders like that belong in the hobby. We have to have standards in this hobby. This is part of the reason some people have a bad outlook towards our hobby and it will only get corrected if those of us in the reptile community deal with it. In other industries where individuals act like this, they are often called out and not allowed to participate or at least made aware that others shouldn’t deal or support their endeavors. Because giving a guy like this support through monies is not proper, and how’s anyone to know any better without knowing who they are.

Again I understand as to why we don’t allow to share this type of information on this forum. It could lead to taking sides and MM can’t be allowed to be shown to side with any particular party. Also to prevent hate mail or hate responses to this particular seller is understandable. But why do we continue this type of behavior to be allowed in a hobby most of us feel deeply about.


I wouldn’t mind a PM with the sellers info so I can steer clear of em myself.


I posted the story to an FBI group on FB and many people came forward with their horror stories from his as well. Other comments mentioning how he said RI wasn’t contagious and how he said going to the vet wasn’t a necessary step at first was very unprofessional and not right of him either. Plus the scourge of harassment I got from him after he found the post. The post got taken down due to people in the comments personally attacking him.