I have a milksnake I’ve had since an hatchling almost 2 yrs old. I really need help with, he is having these weird scales issues and they are crusty and it’s been spreading. It’s been going on for a few months, he now has stopped eating completely. I’ve read about snake fungal disease and it sounds like this but I have no idea how he would get it. His enclosure is not moist at all, all my other reptiles are healthy and none wild caught. I took him to two vets and one had no idea and the other thought it was a bacterial infection and prescribed antibiotics. He’s almost done with the antibiotics now and it’s still spreading and not getting better. I have another appointment in a week or so but I’m really scared my other reptiles could get it. He’s out of my animal room and I’m not using tongs or anything else from his enclosure to my animal room. I also have no idea what this is, anyone seen this before?
Just to rule out anything obvious, does he have any decor or hides in his enclosure that he might be getting a bit stuck in and having to back out and lightly damage the scales?
How are his sheds and what are the temps in the enclosure?
@logar I was reading a thread last night about one of your animals, a crestie maybe?) that reminded me of this. Or it was somebody else and I’m crazy. Can you confirm, and if so, what did the vet give you for it?
Was not me, sorry!
Also, wondering if any colubrid owners have ever used the betadine soak that I’ve done with my ball pythons. I assume it would be safe but definitely need to confirm before trying this route for any relief.
I took a 6qt Sterilite tub with lid that you get from walmart, made some holes for air, added a few drops of betadine then filled about half to 2/3 full with 80-85 degree water (mix well) and soak for 20 minutes daily
No I thought that at first, and moved him to a hospital tank with smooth decor and paper towels and it’s still getting worse. He has overhead heating warm end around 90-92 (basking) and cool end low 80s.
Hmmmm. Couple of questions. Was he seen by an exotics vet both times? And also what kind of substrate is he on?
There is obviously something going on with him probably bacterial but the fact that it is spreading is not good because the antibiotics should have kicked in. He might need a topical of some sort as well.
I see others replying so maybe someone else can shed some light on this. Poor guy!
Yes I went to an exotic vet both times, he’s in paper towels right now, but he was in a bioactive with biodude substrate. I have a follow up appointment in a week or so and I was going to ask about a topical. I’m so stumped as I’ve never had a health problem with my reptiles like this before.
What kind of cleaning crew do you have? I apologize to everyone here who uses and swears by bio active enclosures for snakes but I for one ONLY do not like bugs crawling around where my snakes are. I just wonder if something is chewing on your snake……
Again I apologize to everyone!
Springtails and isopods, but the isopods kept dying so mainly springtails. He was in that setup for 2 years with no issues until now
It also doesn’t look like something was eating him, eat scales is individually turning black/brown and his belly looks fine from what I can see.
Good pointing it out tho! I try and be careful and check my reptiles for any bites or anything of the sorts pretty often to make sure
How long has he been in his sterile setup now?
Well springtails are small enough to do some damage under the scales…… I wonder why the isopods kept dying?
It will be interesting to see if the scales heal now that he is in a different environment……
Probably a month at least maybe a month and a half even.
He’s been in a hospital tank for over a month now I’d say. And it’s still getting worse
Clean up crews can end up chowing down on the animal in the enclosure if there is not enough waste to consume.
I am just grabbing at straws here……
Well that blows my theory! I think maybe the vet should do bloodwork on him on the next visit……
Yeah, I think a month of sterile enclosure would be enough time to see some progress if it was environmental. Has he shed at all while in his temporary setup?
Yes, I’ve done betadine soaks for a corn snake that had a superficial injury. Diluted betadine in a 6 qt tub (and tried to get them to drink some fresh water before, so they wouldn’t want to drink the betadine water). Might be worth a try while you wait.
How have his sheds been?
No, he hasn’t shed once since this popped up 3-4 months ago. Which is what is making this so weird. But now he isn’t eating, (I have been keeping weights and he hasn’t lost any)