HELP! WTF is this? Tapeworm?

This was with the eggs. Clutch #49 and I have seen such a thing. I’m freaking out a little ngl.


No clue! but looks like a parasite of some sort to me.


Might want to get the mom a fecal test and deworming
Some veterinarians can send out the actual worm to a lab for identification as well if you bag that up.


In my opinion, probably not a worm or parasite based on the irregularities of it, but I’d double check with a vet to confirm. I think this may be part of the reproductive process, possibly something that held the eggs in line inside the reproductive tract that is supposed to break down before laying but didn’t.


That makes better sense then what I had!


Honestly considering where it came out of and the shape/size/color, it’s a pretty good starting point and a good idea to rule out, just in case.


I think tapeworms have pretty clear segments, right? Like they can break apart and become multiple worms? Not ruling out a parasite but it might not be the typical tapeworm.
Hopefully its just some reproductive goo because HOOOUGH :scream:


Not to be gross, ok I’ll be gross, it kinda looks like a shoe string after it’s been pulled out of the intestine that’s been eaten by a cat or a dog during surgery!

Good luck with finding out what the “noodle in a noodle is!!! :pray:


Oh @caron we’re on the same “gross” wavelength :rofl: The first thing that came to my head was “intestines!” Hopefully it’s just what Jess said and it’s just a harmless but weird anomaly. Please update us @ddolata :blush:


is on hold in my freezer. I just lost 2 houses on the barrier island a week ago and now another hurricane coming directly for me. ugggg. luckily i had a couple spare condos inland for me and a friend. My snakes safety inland at my studio thankfully. Cleaning up after the flooding the last week got me behind on the rats and snakes. Figuring out what “it” is will have to wait. Was really hoping somebody experienced the same thing. Obviously I used a lot of bleach and alcohol and chlorhexidine yesterday, still freeks me out and eating cheap ramin noodles today didn’t help.


Wow. I am SO sorry about all the loss you experienced last week. You seem like you’re such a resilient person, and I really wish the best for you and pray that you don’t have to experience further loss and damage to yourself or your livelihood. It sounds like you did the right thing with the snake mystery and it shows how much you truly care about the health and well-being of your snakes.


So sorry about the losses last week, and now the new storm headed in. Hurricane season can be a true horror. The scope of what they wipe out is frankly beyond imagining. Can’t just go to the next town over for supplies, like with a tornado. Prayers for your safety.


So so sorry for your losses and now another storm brewing again. However you are blessed that your animals are safe and you have a place to go. Try not to worry too much about the “shoestring noodle”’. At least it’s not still inside of her as we speak. I am going to be positive for you through these unbelievably trying times.

God bless you and take care…… :pray::heart:


Hi there, Im so sorry for your loss of your property. Im in SW Florida too and watching Milton closely.

As for the thing, if it was found in an egg clutch it very well may be a shell gland cast. That could indicate some inflammation or other issues of the uterus, so it would still be good to get her checked out by a vet. I think its less likely a tapeworm, but photos are never as accurate as in person inspection and exam by a vet.


power was out for days, the “thing” probably thawed but was cold and refroze. my ice cubes only partially melted. Yes it was with a clutch of eggs for those that asked. After some clean up time after 2 big storms in a row I will revisit the issue. I finally got everybody fed today and all the rats, asf and mice cleaned. Fema inspection tomorrow on my main house. Finally got power today at my studio where snakes are housed. Generator was running a small AC, some lights and the incubator. Had to siphon gas from the '38 caddy for generator since there was no gas. Has been an adventure.


I’m glad that you and your animals made it through the storms. The aftermath can be the hardest part, I know. Thinking of you, praying for you, wishing you strong and whole soon.