So I’m trying to learn some of the genetics for blood pythons I’ve picked up the basics and the morph trait tool on the side is a good tool but notice it lacks some detail or maybe it doesn’t really make a difference. My question in this case is about albino t positive to be exact. If one parent is non albino and the other is let’s say 100 percent het albino will all the offspring be het albino as well and i would assume the percentage of being het drops threw each generation. And the second part would be if the offspring from the parents is less than 100 percent het albino if he/she were to mate with a t positive albino is it less likely to have some of the offspring be albino. I guess what are the chances of having albino offspring from a second or 3rd generation het albino parent.
Hey! Welcome to the family J
Nope. All of the babies will have a 50% chance of being het. This means they are either het or not yet for albino and will need breeding to prove out.
So as mentioned the offspring would be either hets or not hets.
If the offspring (let’s call it O1) proves out to be het and you pair to a visual, then you will end up with (statically speaking) half a clutch of visual Albinos and half a clutch of non visual hets.
If O1 does not prove out to be a het and you pair to a visual, then you will end up with a clutch of non visual hets.
The het percentage doesn’t change the ratio of offspring… It just means a animal has not been proven to be 100% het or not het at all.
Ok thanks so that is where the possible het comes into play. There is just no way to tell until you see what they produce
Yes, exactly. Het to het results in 66% possible hets and some visual, het to normal results in all 50% hets. In actuality there’s no such thing, either the animal has the gene and is hetrozegous or isn’t it’s just impossible to tell without breeding.