Het clown? Thoughts please

Wondering on thoughts of my daughters new het clown ball python please? What are the usually markings?


In general you can’t “see” hets and even most “het markings” aren’t reliable. I have seen het clowns appear brighter than their non het counterparts but there is always a level of polymorphism that can do the same. The only way to know is to breed it.


I agree, the only way to tell
Is to breed the snake. “het” is a ressesive gene that doesn’t show itself. Sometimes you don’t even know what your sake is het for, if anything, if the seller doesn’t tell you in advance.

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Recessive traits require two copies of the allele in order to be visible


Oops, typo.

The other option is to ask the breeder you got it from, for pictures of the parents. A 100% het animal has to have one parent that is a visual example of the morph.



The only problem with this is you have to trust that they’ll show you actual pictures of the parents, so the only sure fire way to tell would be to breed.


Thankyou everyone. The breeder said its best to breed him with a female het clown to keep the bloodline he has. She said he’s a ball python het clown too. Is that the correct breeding female. Thanks

If you breed him to a female het clown, you will have a 1/4 chance of producing visual clowns, the rest of the offspring will look normal, but 2/3 of them will be het for clown.

If you breed him to a female clown, that cross should produce 50% visual clowns, 50% het clowns


I would get a visual clown that has another dominant trait so you could make babies of multiple kinds and have higher odds at visual clowns, a visual to a het is more likely to produce more visuals than a het to het pairing. If you air a het clown with a het clown you would only get normals with some clowns

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