Heterometrus spinifer maggots

I bought an asian forest scorpion but when I got home it seemed he had maggots on his left claw. I’m not sure if his claw is rotting or if the maggots are just feeding off the top. I have a potato I was planning to put in his enclosure in hopes that the maggots go on the potato instead.
This is the only picture I have on my computer, I can try to get more later if I need to.


Is it a male or female scorp?? Adorable lil bugger. I hope this maggot thing isnt a threat to its health. Are these scorps tolerant of small amounts of handling?

He’s a male, I think you’re the first person that told me he’s adorable :joy: Thank you for the kind words. They’re a species that’s more tolerable of handling, but like tarantulas they aren’t the best for handling and they can’t be handled for too long.

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I hope he’s okay! Very pretty little scorp.


Unfortunately the maggots and infection were slowly killing him and I decided it would be best to euthanize him.


Aw, that’s too bad. I’m sorry he had to go out that way.


Aww poor lil scorp. RIP lil guy! :pensive: