Hello all! My name is Christel and I live in Colorado. I’m a tattoo artist, snowboarder, fisher, camper, and movie watcher. I got into snakes a few years ago and have a small collection of ball (sorry, royal) and reticulated pythons. They’re mostly pets with the occasional breeding project. I’m here to learn more about morphs, and to educate myself on the best possible care and upkeep for these incredible animals. I’m grateful to MorphMarket for the invaluable resources and community surrounding these often overlooked and unloved creatures. Looking forward to learning!
Welcome to the community
Nice collection love the pied retic, is it also tiger? and the other looks like a mochino or orange glow, very bright! Nice banana and pied ball too! I am from Colorado too, near Longmont. Also breed ball pythons and have a small collection of retics, that may be ready this year. There is a ton of great info here on both the community and morphpedia for info on morphs. Also nice just to look at all the snakes using the search filters, you can even see previously sold morphs if you want to see what some combos look like. Great site for info, enjoy!
Welcome to the family to you and your reptile family! Thats a nice group!!
Great looking animals!
Welcome to the community and definitely take advantage of MM resources for boosting your knowledge.
Welcome, you’ll love it here. Stunning collection you have.
Oh my goodness! I am so jealous! Your snakes are absolutely gorgeous! If I was 20 years younger and had the space, I would have a couple of retics! Your royals are great too!
You will gain so much knowledge and expertise from the people on this site!
Hello, I’m in Fort Collins, so very close by! Thank you, yes the retic is a tiger pied and the other is a Mochino Sunfire from Sal Daddy.
Thank you! It’s been a very welcoming community already!
Thanks so much, I have a few more I’ll be sharing eventually!
Thanks to everyone else too, I can’t figure out to how to reply to multiple people but I’ll probably figure it out some time
Welcome to the community here! You’re going to enjoy it so much. That’s a lovely collection you’ve got!
Welcome to the community! Colorado here as well.
Welcome to the community! Your snakes are absolutely gorgeous and we’re really envious. There’s so much content here on MRC so you’ll be learning loads in no time.
We breed corns but would love to get into Royals/Balls eventually and it’s seeing stunning animals like yours that makes us want to do it quicker.
Lol! Yes I hear you! Lol! I have made some mistakes but no says anything! Lol! It’s is GREAT here! This is the only social media I participate in. It’s very upbeat! I love the passion for reptiles people have here!
don’t be sorry, we are not a super hyper sensitive community that will scream that you called them ball pythons, heck we call snakes, danger noodles, spicy ramen noodles and heck just noodles, and eggs more names then I can count.
Small world! I’m from Colorado as well. Beautiful snakes and welcome to one of the best reptile forums/communities there is!
Welcome to the community Christel! I’m your friendly state neighbor down below in Texas, ha-ha. I love your collection. All of your animals are so beautiful!