Hey, what’s everyone got cooking in their incubators at the moment?
I’ve got 7 lovely eggs from an Enchi Lesser Fire x Super Pastel pairing that are due to pip any day now and I’m super excited.
I’ve got a few more pairings that I’m hoping will yield eggs in the near future in the form of:
Het Toffee x Phantom Het Toffee
Het Toffee x Het Toffee
Karma x Phantom
Butterbee Het Clown x Pastave Het Clown
Het Clown x Pastel Het Clown
Enchi Lesser Fire x Het Caramel Albino
Fingers crossed all goes according to plan 
Awesome stuff!
My season is just about over, with 2 left in the 'bator. But still super excited to see what pips! This’ll be my 5th attempt at an 8 Ball Bamboo LOL.
Orange Dream HRA 100% het Pied x Firefly Pied
Bamboo Black Pastel x Cinnamon
Well ya know what they say @canadianregius , 5th time’s a charm 
Good luck, I hope it works out for you 
I’ve got 2 clutches left in the incubator. Really excited about both but for different reasons. First is a Super Mojave Ultramel x Lesser pairing. I’m excited because my first attempt at BEL het Ultramel went pretty badly this year.
Second is Pastel Gene X het Pied x Fire Gene X Pied. Excited for my first shot at Gene X Pieds
The only clutch I have currently in the incubator is a mojave ultramel x pewter bee pairing. 10 good eggs from this girl. She’s been an amazing producer for me. Creating hets for the future!