Hi I’m Lucas

Hello!! My name is Lucas I am a kind of new crested gecko owner. My first crested gecko I got from Petsmart (not the best decision from me) and then he died about a month later. Then on Wednesday I got my current gecko from Jess’sJungle. He is a year old and I love him so much.
I do want to be a breeder one day but it will be 8+ years till I am financially able to do that.
My current list of reptiles to get one day is, gargoyle gecko, BP, chameleon, hog nose, Kenyan sand boa, leopard gecko, and more crested geckos.
Um yeah that all I’ve got. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum! What’s your crestie’s name?


His name is Darth Vader but I call him Vader


Hi Lucas! Welcome to the family! Do you have a specific chameleon in mind? I would like to say that you shouldn’t hold Vader for about a week after you got him so he can settle in. It is ok if you have I would just hold off on handling for a week from when you last held him. Also do you have any enclosure pics? I love seeing them almost as much as the animal pics


The pictures of me holding him are from the night I got and and had to put him in the enclosure. I’m not exactly sure on what Chameleon. I’m currently not home but I will get more pictures later.


The second picture wasn’t supposed to be there but that is me and my friend.


Ok just wanted to make sure you knew :sweat_smile: looking forward to more pictures! Parson’s chameleons are my personal favorite because they have the longest lifespan and get a decent size. They are always over looked for the more common species and I really hope to get one eventually. I highly recommend looking into them because in my opinion they are the most beautiful and amazing of all chameleons.


(I just searched it up) I really like Helmeted Chameleons


Well hello Lucas @lucasr230917! Congratulations on your new Crestie and welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear about your first one. And yes big box stores are not the best places to buy pretty much anything live, except maybe an aquarium plant!

However I too bought a tiny crestie from Petsmart and I have had him for about 2 years now?

You have an interesting and varied list of future reptile purchases! Reptiles are kinda like Lays Potato Chips! You can’t get just one! Lol! :joy:

Keep updated on Vader!


Hi Lucas! Welcome!! There are so many awesome people on here to get to know. Logar as you see is very friendly and helpful too! Solarserpents has some really cool corn snakes, and caron is very wholesome. I am a crazy snake lady! (Because cats are too mainstream.) I hope you get to meet many more of the radical reptile people here on mmrc. And make sure to check out coldblooded.com too for even more fun reptile shenanigans.
I look forward to seeing you and your boy darth around the forum!


Yeah, when i got my first one, Gronk, he was only 4 grams and he refused to eat. He would hang out around the bottom all day and rarely climbed around.


Well @lucasr230917 it sounds like he was already ill when you got him……:cry:

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He is in the coconut thing right now


No way!!

I have a ‘Dartha Vader’ haha.

And someone who had a Crestie off me couple years back named him the same :joy:

He’s a beaut btw. Defo my cuppa!! :coffee:


Defo add some more branches and plants.

I’d go fully bio.

How tall is the tank? Min is 60cm for an adult. X

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Yeah, once I figure out how to I’m going to convert it vertical, I just need to figure out how to connect and latch my current lid to the tank side ways. I know about the plants but unfortunately I just don’t have any money right now, I’m going to go that as soon as possible.


Would love to see your other animals :grin:

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My only other animals are two cats


Well aren’t they gorgeous!

Whats their names? :smiling_face:

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This orange one is Ernie, he has an extra toe in each front foot. And the black one is Trixie, we ironically got her a week before Halloween.