Hoping for opinion on what my deceased ball python passed


hey there. unfortunately found that a male ive had for about a year died tonight.

he had a weird poop in his tub along with him. it’s not food since he didn’t eat yesterday, which was feeding day. has anyone seen this before? his feces appeared to be…fleshy?

note - we don’t have the extra funds to get a fecal or a necropsy done right now.

so any advice here would be appreciated

WARNING - photo of dead snake ahead. his cloaca was inflamed and had what appeared to be dried blood.

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It seems like a carcass that wasn’t digested properly. There’s likely an internal issue. A necropsy would be a good idea but if it isn’t an option you can add pictures of the enclosure, temps and humidity, and your feeding schedule and see if we notice anything that could have caused the death.

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That is a regurg, not a fecal. How long ago was he fed?

Regurg is usually from an inability to properly digest. It can be caused by a number of different causes - temps too low, parasite, bacterial infection, viral infection…

Without a necropsy, it would all be guesswork


I’m sorry for your loss. :pensive:


he was fed over a week ago. he sits in a rack with others at 92 degrees as the hot spot.

i was doubtful it was food considering he didn’t eat this week, and aside from the fleshy appearance, it smelled like feces.

humidity is 70% nearly at all times.

thank you i appreciate it :frowning:

he’s been a bit of a problem feeder since i’ve gotten him. there was a point where he didn’t eat for a year and lost maybe 5 grams which wasn’t too concerning. he stayed at a steady 350-ish grams at that point.

he’s been an exceptional feeder the past 6 or so months, eating a rat hopper once every 7 days, sometimes skipping a week in between due to no interest. he was an extremely defensive boy, didn’t have a nice bone in his body. i left him alone most times because of this.

was doing my nightly check up on all my snakes and found that he was deceased, and recently as well. he was still warm and limp, the stiffness hadn’t settled over him quite yet.

his cloaca was inflamed with dried blood which led me to believe it was indeed some kind of feces.

it smelled of feces, other than the fleshy part. that was rancid and nearly made me gag.

i disinfected his previous tub, his things, and my hands in case it’s some kind of infection or something internal like you mentioned.

it’s tough for me to talk about - no one wants to see their animals die under their supervision. i appreciate all the advice regardless, so thank you.

he’s in a 28qt tub with a hide, water dish, and about 70% humidity at any given time. hot spot is 92.


I’m guessing you’re not the kind of person willing to do an at home peek inside, that could tell you more even if you can’t afford a professional necropsy. I know that’s too much for a lot of people to handle, though.

Honestly from the photos it looks like a regurg near a fecal. I assume the bit that smells like poop is wet substrate area. If the fleshy bits (it’s actually two halves of a rat) had come out in the poop, the entire fecal would smell rancid, not just those parts. Definitely some sort of digestion problem and based on the issues you pointed out with the cloaca along with the fresh fecal and over week old undigested rat, it leads me to believe he was straining, which suggests a blockage or stricture of some kind. As was already said though, this is purely speculation.

I am so sorry for your loss, they’re even harder when you don’t have a concrete reason for what happened.


Maybe he had an issue with impaction? That is the only thing I could think of at this point.


i considered this as well! :frowning:


So sorry for your loss! :pensive:

Given his grumpiness, maybe it was an underlying issue that has been going on for some time, which made him grumpy.

We have had a couple of super grumpy reptiles which had problems, so I put the grumpiness down to them being unhappy & in pain.


Inflammation and dried blood are not indication of feces passing. Inflammation could be indicative of parasitic infection or toxin, as could blood. The flaccidity that accompanies death due to the release of muscle tension would cause the rectal sphincter to relax and allow for low-degree “prolapse” due to the internal pressures within the animal’s digestive system.