Hours spent trying to identify my gecko from numerous sources and nothing

I bought what was labeled as a blazing blizard leopard gecko but it developed pink skin and then purple stripes going down its back and i just spent two hours straight online on forums, this site, wiki, fb groups etc and no one can get any closer than a blizard or a snow but mine has long thin bold lines not smeared stripes. Please help because if its super rare id like to either breed it or let a professional borrow it to breed more. its probably just a common breed with a rare pattern but i know nothing about reptile genetics yet

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You have a super Mack snow.
It means both of his parents were carrying the Mack snow gene.

They’re fairly common so I’m surprised that no one was able to ID him previously for you.

A blazing blizzard is an albino blizzard. Whoever sold you this gecko as such had no idea what they were selling. Which sounds like the issue you usually get when buying from a big box shop. They go by what the wholesale breeder has listed on the tub. Which can be wrong because they work in such large quantities of animals…or the pet store employees mix them up and aren’t familiar with the animals they sell.

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i think someone on fb may have said i have a snow but that didnt seem to really cover it i guerss thats shor for it and i need to learn more of the names but ive only been at it two days really and not solid. any website you recommend on learning morphs and some of genetic basics for these snakes?

Yup, that’s a super snow mack. I have one of these guys too. Super cute!