How do i tell stress in my snake?

I was wondering how do i tell stress apart from normal snake behavior?

I see my snake (coastal rosy boa) is very active he seems interested in the lid as if he wants out. Is this normal and im overthinking this or is this a stress reaction?

Being new to snakes and wanting all of my animals from the tiniest spider to my kitty and to my humans to have the best love and care.

What is something i should watch vs something that is normal behavior.

I have really been educting myself about my snake reading articles, watching internet videos and interacting in these forums. I have found much contradictory information out there and some may even be harmful. I thibk ibe come to trust the people here because they have real world experience and advice.


When you get a new snake they often “glass surf” (try to climb the sides) and explore everything in their enclosure. This is totally normal behavior for a new snake. Some of it might be from stress but I think every snake would have a small amount of stress in a new environment. You’re doing everything right and it sounds like your snake is doing great.