How to create dreamsicles

How are dreamsicles produced in leopard geckos? What genes are they required to have to make dreamsicle and how many generations of breeding would it probably take to reach dreamsicles.

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The genes for dreamsickles according to MM search are; eclipse, mack snow, tremper albino, and enigma. In other words, you will have to take a gamble/chance with enigma syndrome if you want to make them.

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If you do attempt to create dreamsicles, make sure only one parent has enigma, because the gene is double lethal.


How bad is enigma, not to start a spider debate but with spider most of the pythons will show minimal wobble if properly taken care of. With enigma will they still show severe symptoms most of the time if in non-stressful conditions. Would it be possible to make a similar visual outcome without using enigma or with using a different gene in place of it.

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Like with Spider BPs, the severity of Enigma Syndrome varies from animal to animal. Unlike the Spider BP, Enigmas sometimes have a severe enough case to warrant euthanasia, though this is rare. Most Enigmas are capable of living a natural lifespan, though they will always be a little weird. As for replacing Enigma with a similar gene, there really isn’t one, it’s totally unique, which is why people still work with it.


There is a similar morph called Vermillon in Europe but I’ve yet to see an animal for sale in the USA with it.

It’s pretty pointless to bother debating, that sort of thing has been done to death. I will share my assessment, though. I will not financially support the propagation of Enigmas, W & Y, NDBE, or Lemon Frost. I do not recommend that inexperienced leo hobbyists purchase or take in any of those morphs either. The Enigma in my collection needs a lot of help to eat and cannot tolerate bright light.


I probably won’t be getting an enigma and definitely not anytime soon. What’s wrong with White and Yellow, I’m not aware of any problems with that gene.

Another morph linked with neuro disease.

I know lemon frost has cancer risks linked to it, but I don’t know what NDBE is. Mind informing me?

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Micropthalmia & infertile females.

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I agree with @mblaney. I used to breed leopard geckos extensively, and I did not work with enigma, even though they look very cool. The other morphs mentioned didn’t exist when I was working with leos, but if I started up again I would avoid all of them. There are so many beautiful leos out there, no need to work with the genetically flawed.