How to Preview Your Post

This is a pretty slick system but it would be nice to be able to better preview what you are about to post and see what it will look like. Either a preview button that will render the post as it will look on the forum or maybe using a different wysiwyg editor that will show the formatted post (especially pictures) instead of the shortcode. I am a big fan of ckeditor myself and have used it a lot in my projects at work.

When answering if you look on your right you will see what your post will look like when posted.

Oh! Is there a setting that needs to be toggled to see this? When creating a post I see a potentially similar threads section instead of a preview.

All you have to do is close the similar thread window to let the preview appear

Once done this is what your screen will look like left vs right (typing vs preview)


Thank you for this breakdown! :slight_smile:

Didn‘t know this! Thank you!:pray:t2::cherry_blossom: