How to tell how dark an IMG will get?

Hey All,

New to IMG and I did search the forum but nothing came up, and not in the IMG thread either. I am not posting in the IMG thread because maybe there is another morph that will suit what I am looking for.

I am going to complete my 3 snake display collection (pets/handled frequently). I have the Lipstick Junglow poss super I was after already. The last two boas I want are as close to jet/solid black and a white (this one will wait since it will be expensive - SuperFire).

So with that said… how can you tell how dark an IMG boa will get? Is their a morph combination that works best at getting to jet black/iridescent ? There are so many variations of the IMGs its overwhelming. Or is their a different Morph altogether that will get me to where I want to be with this animal?



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@lumpy will be able to help better. But, you might be able to get an accurate estimate of how dark they will get by asking for pictures of the parents. Since there is some polygenic influence, seeing how dark the parents get should help predict how dark the snake will look. There might be some other morphs that are darker but I don’t know a lot about boas.


The Motley img combo gets really dark, adding leopard into it should kick it up the rest of the way.


Motley Anery IMGs get incredibly black to the point where they basically completely black with no pattern.


Thanks for the tag Riley :wink:

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Here is my IMG Motley Anery at 2 years old. It’s also Het Kahl, which can hold back the darkness a little, especially under the chin.


Absolutely stunning! Those belly scales!!!


If you are looking for the darkest snake possible, Anery & Motley help. Conversely, there are some genes that will work in the opposite manner. Hypo and/or jungle with IMG will most likely not get completely black.


That is a stunning boa!

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Thanks for the tip, much appreciated!



This is mid 2021 female 50% costa rican img :100: het coral albino. Definitely breeding to same male in the future!

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Some imgs really looks like normal at birth so its hard to say.Maybe check its parents first.


Hey there everyone! Can I tag into this post? I just brought home my IMG and her dad is super dark but wanted to get a good idea of what she’ll look like. She’s an IMG het Kahl Albino… my husband picked her out but I’m still learning what everything means. So does her morph say how dark she’ll be?

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