I’m new to breeding, so wondering if could get some assistance. I’d like to figure out how to prove whether or not this snake can be proved out red stripe and what the process would be.
This is the snake in question.
The pairing was pastel clown with pastel red stripe het clown.
Breed it to a normal or other non red stripe morph. If you get red stripe babies, then you know that it is a red stripe. There’s one person I know of that can tell you for sure if it’s red stripe.
@t_h_wyman red stripe king and super awesome person of knowledge.
I just hope it’s the answer you want… on the bright side, even if it doesn’t have red stripe, you have a TON of genetic guarantees that will provide a lot of fun babies.
I’m having a hard time
Thank you for the reply. I had a feeling that would be my first pairing but wanted to double check with more experienced breeders. It was between this girl or a pied that I could pair with my pied. But I really like the clown morph, so she seemed like a perfect fit. So even if its not red-stripe like you said, I’ll still have some interesting babies.
If you’re breeding for clown, make sure you have a visual clown or a 100% het clown to breed her/him to.
There should not be any issues passing the pastel on.
Yellowbelly complex with Pastel RS is amazing and won’t get in the way of making a RS identification if you’re looking for breeding ideas.
If you really want to have RS clown you could also pair with RS and know RS is in the mix. Super is pretty distinct and really cool. Downside is if you don’t hit any supers you might have to try again to know for sure about this snake.
Ave pretty much hits it with this:
Easiest way to prove it is to breed it to anything non-Clown and look for RedStripes in the resulting babies. The simpler the pairing the better because a number of genes can interfere with identification of it. Pairing it to your Pied would be a good candidate.
I would disagree with this as Pastel and YB can both suppress the phenotype of RS.
If I had to select a single best morph to be used as an indicator for the presence of RS it would be Cypress because the Cypress RS is unmistakable
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this. With the mom being a super pastel would it be possible to confirm red stripe if the whole clutch will be at least have one copy of pastel?
Red stripe is pretty hard to miss visually, once you know what you are looking at, I learned a very valuable lesson, but thanks to @t_h_wyman , I learned pretty quick.
This community is pretty invaluable to use as a learning tool. And everyone is pretty awesome.
The next best thing is to dig elbow deep in the morphipedia and really really really invest time into researching and studying the morphs you are interested in working with.
Agree on Pastel RS, but it’s a super pastel here so they will have to struggle with that no mater what. I haven’t hatched a plain YB RS so I’ll take your word on it.
But at least all of my hatchlings the combo of all 3 Pastel YB RS turns the oranges/yellows absolutely nuclear vs taking any one of those away. So since really the question is essentially how to make Pastel RS identifiable I personally think YB could work.
Cypress sounds like an even better suggestion looking at those combos, and definitely a gene worth adding to a collection.
Fair enough. I guess I was coming at it from the perspective of someone that was completely naive to RS and so not familiar with what exactly it can do.
I will also caveat that the quality of the Pastel can have a HUGE impact on the combo. I have seen some RS combos made with seriously low-quality Pastel and the only way you could know RS was in the mix was either because the animal in question produced RS or the animal came from a SuperRS
Would a pure cypress be ideal? I’m wondering if I can get by with a poss het clown cypress but if the clown will make it harder identify I don’t want to go down that route, so I’m leaning toward pure cypress but wanted to double check. With the offspring always being pastels will the red stripe be able to be noticed with a cypress, red stripe, pastel combo?
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The synergy with Cypress and RedStripe is HUGE, Pastel will not overwhelm it
Assuming the poss het proves and that you then hit the 1 in 8 for the combo, it might be tricky (I am not super familiar with Clown Cypress RS versus Clown Cypress) but, statistically, you have a good chance of hitting the more likely 1 in 4 Cypress RedStripe in the clutch as well so that would answer the question for you. Now, yes, we all know the odds are theoretical and the real world does not always play according to those rules, but that is just the hazard you run with breeding anything
Don’t mean to nitpick since the end idea is the same: there’s still a risk you get Clown. Just want to make sure they understand the odds correctly if that matters to them.
For a visual x het clown if you get a Cypress RS (or any other specific combo) you’re equally likely to hit the Cypress RS Clown as the Cypress RS (not Clown). (The 1/4 Cypress RS includes both Cypress RS Clown and not Clown)
If you want to count the odds because it’s only poss het then it does get better that you’ll hit Cypress RS (not Clown) though. How much better depends on the prior % het chance.
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