Humidity is ridiculously high on top shelf of new PVC rack?

I have a new Vivarium Electronics Super-70 PVC rack and it appears all the humidity is rising to the top shelf, and keeping the humidity level in that tub ridiculously high. Can anyone advise me how to fix this issue?


I dont use this rack, but it sounds like your heat source might be to large or to hot.


Just to provide more info using belly heat provided by 4 inch heat tape, repti-chip substrate, with a 89 degree hot spot dropping to 78 degrees in the front of the tub, measured with a temp gun.


That sounds good. It might also be possible that the top bin is tighter then the others (less gap for air flow).

I am just guessing of possible causes. A fix could be to just put some holes in the top bin for more air flow.


Granted this is the first time I have kept snakes in a rack, and the tubs are extremely tight fitting (around a 1/8 inch gap) but the issue is the other shelves are drying out and require water to be added, but all the humidity seems to be trying to escape through the top of the rack vs. out the front of the shelves. I appreciate your advice do you think I should drill (vent) all of the tubs or just the top one with the issue?


I would say drill more holes only in the top bin and leave the other bins alone as they are already drying out too fast. You could also cover a few of the holes in the bottom bins to help that……


Is the water cup sitting near the heat?


Agree with @caron

If the temperature is the same in all tubes, then adding and covering holes might be your only solution.

If the rack itself is getting wet and not just the tubs, you may need to vent the rack.

Just a thought i had while doing this. If you have anything around, on top, or the rack is elevated, this may be causing some of the problems. If each shelf has its own heat source (tape not looped from shelf to shelf), it could be a tape or wiring issue.
Again, just putting my thoughts out there. Trying to trouble shoot something i can’t see or touch is hard to come up with a definite solution.


I don’t have any issues like that with mine. Not sure what’s up on yours.

I would double check the heat on the individual tubs.
I keep my probe on the 3rd shelf personally. If it’s too high the bottom temps are too low and if it’s too low the top temps are too high.

There really isn’t a way for the humidity to rise to the top tub as they’re not connected in any real way. individual shelves won’t let that happen. The others are just drying out or if the other snake is tipping water and it’s hitting the hot side that will be another reason.

If one of my snakes has a shed cycle, the humidity can get very out of wack because of the humidity in the tub and the pee from the snake finally going. @_@;


No all the way in the front, they are vision tubs with the molded in water bowl holders.


Is it possible you just over hydrated your substrate in that tub and the evaporation is causing excessive condensation? It may come down to just having to drill/burn some more holes in that tub if nothing else helps.