Hypo/Ghost question

Hypo/Hypo-melanistic/Citrus Hypo/Orange Hypo/Ghost/Desert Ghost

Are these recessive genes compatible?


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Hypo and Ghost are commonly used for Hypomelanistic animals most are compatible and only a few are not but those that are not are rarely work with.

The most common lines such as Bell, Orange Ghost, Butterscotch are all compatible.

Desert Ghost is a complete different mutation all together which is not compatible.


That helps. Thanks.

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What is Bell? Is that short for something?

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Bell Line is from Mark and Kim Bell (Breeders that have been around a long time and proved out their own line from an import)

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Do the compatible lines produce the same results when mixed?

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In most combos with additional genes they do.

On their own you can mainly distinguish Orange Ghost from other lines.

Now that being said it’s a bit like all the line of Pastels people have been mixing the lines so finding a pure line is not the easiest thing, and so long the animals are compatible it’s usually what matters the most to people.

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So, with Hognose, a ghost is Axanthic/Hypo visual double recessive. I see now with BP’s it’s called “True Ghost.”

So one could pair a homozygous Axanthic …….I should stop there before I continue. Are all the Axanthic lines compatible?
Thanks for taking the time to help me understand this.

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You are correct a ghost (in several species) is a double recessive animal, so basically it’s a problem with terminology in BP but since ghost as been commonly accecpted long ago as another term for hypo a double recessive axanthic hypo is named a true ghost.

Now there are several line of axanthic MJ (Markus Jayne), VPI (The Barkers), TSK (The Snake Keeper) and Jolliff none of which are compatible, so if you want to work towards a true ghost make sure that with axanthics you stick the same line.

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You figured out were my line of questioning was heading and answered my question before I completed it. Thanks.

But now I’m wondering. The Axanthic lines are not compatible…does that mean the different lines have alleles that reside in a different locus? If that’s so, has anyone ever produced a double visual recessive for axanthic? Do they produce different phenotypes which produce a visual double that looks different than standard axanthics? I don’t want to travel down this path, but now I am curious.

That is the question I have no answer for, to my knowledge I can’t think of anyone that has worked on double visual axanthics, and I could see where it could get tricky doing doing so if the differences were too subtle, and realistically likely a lot of work for very little payout visually.

So I don’t know.

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No, wouldn’t waste my time with it.
Thanks for helping me wrap my head around Hypo/Ghost.


You’re welcome, Ghost and True Ghost are great animals to work with.

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Citrus ghost/hypo is not compatible with the mainstream ghost/hypo lines

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Yes it means they are on different loci. There was a breeder in ohio, that I haven’t seen in a few years now, but they got 2x axanthics and bred them together, made all normals. They bred those double hets for a while and last I talked to them, never made anything special looking and the axanthics they were producing couldn’t be guaranteed to be compatible with anyone’s else’s, so made it hard to really sell the animals. They never proved out a double visual tho.