Hypo or something else?

I bred a Palmetto Possible het Ultra Carmel Scaleless to a Sunkissed Anery Het Hypo Amel. I know that all the babies should be Classics het Palmetto. Got ten babies and 2 of them look much lighter than the other 8. The male has no Hypo in his background in the last gen at least. So my question is, is this just a Hypo or something else? Here are photos of the one in question and a sibling.


Hmm, it’s certainly one of the hypo types! Not sure if it’s hypo or ultra, though. Let me tag @caryl and @noodlehaus to see what they think.


Thanks for the tag @solarserpents!

You didn’t account for the pos hets here. Your male was pos het Ultra, your female Het Amel. Those morphs are allelic, which means if your male were to prove Het Ultra, you could produce Ultramels, which I suspect you have.


Good catch!


But the eyes are not red the pupils are dark? What is the visual difference between ultra and ultramel?


Ultramel has a very broad range of expression, and they change color as they age. Ultra tends to be a bit darker than Ultramel, and Ultras usually have dark pupils while Ultramels have ruby, but again, these are not guarantees. There’s also no way for these hatchlings to be only Ultra with the genes their parents carry. Do remember that Palmetto is an incomplete dominant morph, meaning that Het is impacting the final color as well.


Thank you for that info. I was wondering if this was the case and you confirmed it!


Congratulations on hatchlings, @dream-scales! That’s always exciting. Thank for tagging me, @solarserpents. Sorry I’m delayed in replying.

Reading the parents’ info and looking at the babies’ pictures, I am thinking Ultramel for the lighter one at least. I’m not certain about the darker one. There is a wide range of expression for ultra as is true for so many traits, so it could be that. It could also possibly be the brightening effect of Palmetto in het form. Do you have pictures of any of the other babies? Or of these with the others?


Based on the wording, I believe the OP added this one as a comparison to just one of the two lighter siblings.


I wasn’t clear if that was a comparison baby or the second of two about which they were asking. I’m sure that’s my error. Been a long day. Thanks, @noodlehaus .