I cant change my name that appears in posts

I added an extra e in ascended in haste when i joined.
I was able to remove it from the market, and in one of my names on the forums, but not the other?
How do I do that, Its the first one with ee that I cant change and it appears on my posts with the two ee’s.
Forum Profile -
Crawley UK morphmarket.com/stores/ascended/

Under the profile it shows asceended as your account name (mine is erie-herps)
Ascended is your name (mine is Riley)

To change your account name you go to the Marketplace -> Name at the top right -> Settings -> Username.


Hi Riley, I think I get it now I am barry. I should change that bit too
But I did the account name, but in forums there is still too ee’s
Cut and paste from your link-
Users are only allowed to change their usernames infrequently, so use this feature carefully. There is no undo!
Yes, update my username forever.

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You did it right, it might just take a while for the forum to reflect that. Try logging out and back in.


Yes but i did it weeks ago. tru I have never logged out since joining, will try that, thanks.
I saved it again to see if that would help. Could it be because I a new member and not allowed to change yet?

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I’m not sure, aside from waiting to see if it changes I’m going to tag @eaglereptiles to see if he has any other ideas.


Thanks for being so helpful. I just logged out and back in for the first time ever. Maybe it takes time to update??
Still have too ee’s though.
Still appreciate all your time and help. Thanks.


I looked through previous posts and you did everything right. I guess we’ll see if it changes.

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Firstly, @erie-herps you are amazing… I think you already know that, but you deserve to be reminded!

This works 99.9% of the time, but on the odd occasion we have to manually change it… Which I have just done for you @asceended … It may take a few hours to sync between the market and the forum though.


@eaglereptiles Thanks, it didnt change at first but I logged out and in now its changed.

Thanks for doing that for me :smiley: relay appreciated

Its surprising how removing one letter can make me so happy.


No problem at all :blush:


Hmm… I did this like a month or so ago and never noticed the change didn’t happen on the Community side (it changed for the Marketplace right away) til I saw this. I wonder if it showed up different to anybody else before I logged in and out and it’s just changed for me now?