I got my first bite today

I was doing one of my daily checks on all my snakes. I like to handle each one for a bit at this time. I was holding my young banana mojave girl and my wife came upstairs and started testing a smoke alarm 10 feet away from me. I can only assume that’s why she bit me cause my hands were clean and I was handling her gently. But I took my eyes off her to comment on the noise and suddenly felt something “different”. I looked down and she was latched onto my wrist trying to work her teeth free! She didn’t attempt to coil even though she was latched.
Do you guys think it was the noise stressing her out? It wasn’t a fast strike and wasn’t a feeding response (or didn’t seem like one) I didn’t let her go right away. I made her calm down in my hands first before I put her back.
Either way, it wasn’t that bad at all and I’m glad it was my smallest girl!


Damn, glad your wrists ok :joy:

I’d say the noise, from what I know they can only here quite high frequencies? Which is a shame as I talk to mine a lot haha, I’ve tried talking in a higher pitch but not a clue haha.

Then again my fire alarms have been playing up recently and I’ve not noticed mine act differently from it? (2 of the Royals are in the bedroom and one of the alarms just outside the door) Only the dogs whining as they hate the high pitch…


I’ll be sure to not let her (wife) repeat that scenario for me!
In fairness, she pushed the test button once but then couldn’t get it to shut off so it was blaring for longer than she had anticipated

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Could the alarm have surprised you?
A snake in your hand would also pick up the slightest sudden movement or raised temperature.
Just another posability.

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Not in this case. I was pretty calm when it happened since the alarm had already gone off a couple times at that point. She was in my hand facing up my forearm and just doubled back, short range, and grabbed my wrist. she held on for a couple seconds, then started moving her head back and forth like she was trying to unhook her teeth from my wrist. It ended up bleeding decently from her moving around. I just waited for her to let go. I also handle her a lot so she’s used to my hand movements. She’s not really shy. I can even rub her head sometimes.

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Ouchy is all I’ve got to say my friend. :grimacing:


I seriously barely felt it before I looked at what she was actually doing. I consider it a blessing that my first time was when I wasn’t paying attention. The pain was minimal and did not merit any type of response. If I saw it happen I may have flinched and possibly injured her if she went flying. Of course, I’ll still try to avoid bites in the future but if I get tagged I’ll probably just keep my cool and wait for them to let go…like when my daughter’s king snake coiled around my tongs two days ago and I was standing there for 20 minutes waiting for him to give them back.

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Well, that’s good! I’m glad it wasn’t horrible for you. My biggest fear is being bit by a snake… :speak_no_evil: I’m a pansy though! I still sometimes jump if my crestie snaps at the tongs too hard for a dubia and scares the :poop: out of me. :rofl: My tiger salamander is bad at it too. Haha

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My boa does that to me! I have a banana enchi girl that hardly ever strikes. She just comes up to the rat and grabs then carries it back to her favorite spot to eat it. The range of personality these animals can have is really interesting