I have a question about reptile shows

So i have never been to a reptile show and a such i assume they are mostly reptiles and reptile related products but do they sell invertebrates at all? Specifically scorpions. Has anyone with reptile show experience ever seen aracnid dealers? Im not looking for the common species such as Asian forest or Congo emperor scorpions but the hot species especially the harder to get species. Id like to know what anyone has seen.

It completely depends on the show. Some shows have a list of vendors beforehand or a facebook page where you could ask. My local show has at least 3 (sometimes up to ~5) vendors that sell inverts. They mainly sell tarantulas but I’ve seen some unique scorpions before.


I’ve never been to a reptile show without invertebrates. There’s usually at least one table with them even at small, local shows. You should definitely be able to find them at the big ones.

That being said, those are usually the tables I skip! So I don’t have any idea what species they carry.


Every show I’ve been to always has a selection of inverts. Tarantulas are popular, but I’ve seen scorpions (even got to hold one once!), as well as isopods, millipedes, centipedes, blue death feigning beetles, as well as other things that I don’t currently remember. I’m sure it will vary by show, but any larger show is likely to have a few vendors that specialize in inverts. And I agree with the suggestion of looking for a vendor list beforehand.