Mom: Lesser Pastel G-Stripe
Dad: Banana Lesser Pastel Het G-Stripe
I mainly need help identifying the Hets from this clutch. I have an idea what they could be, but they also haven’t gone through their first shed yet.
The 2 Hets in this picture
The Het in the center with the hearts
I’m mainly stuck between banana super pastel & banana pastel. Another combo that comes to mind is lesser super pastel.
With the G-Stripes, I pretty sure it’s a Super Pastel G-Stripe, Lesser G-Stripe, and a regular G-Stripe.
I haven’t sexed any of these snakes yet.
With these pictures it is really hard to tell, especially the visuals. From them heads, I would bet on them being Super Pastel Bananas het G - stripe.
Better picture would help a lot.
I know, I apologize about that. I’m going to take and post better pictures of them after I get out of work later. I really appreciate the response.
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GStripe Pastel
GStripe Lesser
GStripe Lesser Pastel
Banana Butter Pastel het GStripe x2
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After getting better pictures of them and taking more looks at them, I was thinking that they’re.
0.1 G-Stripe Super Pastel
0.1 G-Stripe
0.1 G-Stripe Lesser
1.0 Banana Lesser Het G-Stripe
2.0 Banana Pastel Het G-Stripe
You have:
GStripe Pastel
GStripe Lesser Pastel
GStripe Lesser
Banana Lesser het GStripe
Banana Pastel Lesser het GStripe x2
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Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it. I hope these better pictures were more helpful.
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