Watching this gecko for a family member who went into a coma and doesn’t remember but I’m curious if this is a normal or some sort of morph. The orange makes me feel like it’s not a normal. Also no idea what gender they are but I’m assuming female?
I recommend sexing him/her so if him/her is a female you can adjust care appropriately.
(I think leopard geckos also have infertile eggs as females so you need to make a lay box)
Check this link out and then get back to us with the pics needed:
Lol 3rd pic was obviously not meant to be there
What you have is actually an excellent example of a pattern that isn’t mentioned often these days: Circle-Back. Circle-Back is a type of Jungle pattern. I would call your little lady a Tangerine Circle-Back. (She has some lovely green tones, but all the ‘green’-type morphs I know are all line-specific. Since we’re not sure of her lineage, we can’t use any of those labels, but she definitely has green.) She doesn’t seem to display any ocular mutations.
Now, if she’s a juvenile, it’s possible for her pattern to change more before she is done growing. If that happens, her phenotypic morph ID might change, though in her case I don’t think that’s likely.
She could be carrying genes for other traits, so definitely don’t breed her, but she is super gorgeous! Also I hope your family member is doing better!
Thank you so much for the response!! I had no idea she was any of that though I suspected tangerine. You mentioned not to breed her, whats the reason for that?? And thank you he’s been kicking butt!!
Some genes can’t be bred together, so if you’re unsure of her lines, hets etc, then not worth breeding as May end up with babies with many issues of that don’t live.
She’s very pretty I will say, the pattern on her is lovely
In leos it’s not generally going to be a lethal issue because of unknown gene combos, but just as @ghoulishcresties said, you’d be creating offspring with completely unknown morph genetics. One must know the genes involved of both parents in order to be able to truly ID offspring. Thus you don’t want to breed any animals that don’t have known morph genetics, they are considered ‘Pet Quality.’
A full morph ID would include any hets that aren’t phenotypically apparent, as well as clarify any traits that might have been hard to identify visually. So you can’t determine a full morph ID based solely on appearance. But, when appearance is paired with knowledge of the full morph IDs of the sire and dam, then you can make an ID.
I’m not explaining that very well- I’m about to head off to bed.
But hopefully you sort of get the gist of what I’m getting at.
For example, there are 3 strains of albinism in leopard geckos (Tremper, Bell, Rainwater), and you cannot tell them apart visually. So any animal that is visually albino, as well as any animal carrying any genes from any strain of albino, needs to have a known morph ID in order to be able to predict what offspring might result from future pairings and avoid mixing traits that shouldn’t be mixed.