I saw the YouTube video I thought you might be able to help me

I have a leopard gecko. I got him seven months ago when he was 13 days old because he came out as a male and the people paid for a whole lot of all females nobody knew what he was because they lost the card or it was taken by the people that purchased all the females so one of your videos shows and newborn hatchling and then some of your other videos show geckos they look identical to mine and I just wanna find out what kind he is. I’m assuming now he must be some sort of tangerine morph and I’m hoping that you wouldn’t mind helping me out. I know you’re a store and you’re here to make money, but it’s <div data-theme-slice

not gonna hurt to help me know what I have if it does you don’t have to respond to me I understand.

This is a community forum that’s here for exactly things like this. This forum is owned and hosted by the Morphmarket marketplace but nothing related to sales happens here, this is just a platform for helping people and sharing information.

Perhaps @armiyana can help with your question. I have some pet leopard geckos but don’t do much in that space.


Thanks for the tag!

That’s a very pretty leopard gecko! Sadly even when you incubate for all females you can sometimes have a male still hatch. And the opposite is true as well.

As far as the morph, definitely albino but I wouldn’t be able to tell you which of the three strains. The color is a nice tangerine. But without knowing the lineage, like the albino strain, I can’t say a specific line.

Albino is a recessive gene
Tangerine is polymorphic or line bred. So the ‘lines’ of tangerine are different family lines from breeders. So even if there’s a ‘blood’ that looks similar, yours would still be considered tangerine because we don’t know if they are from that breeder line.