I put in some crickets but forgot to remove them, and thinking my spder may eat them. Totally stupid move on my part. I decided i should investigate where my spider is and was planning on moving her to a better bioactive. She is nowhere to be found. Totally pulled out everything still nothing. I have not seen the lid open even a crack i mist regularly and think id notice but who knows. I dont see any webbing in dark corners or anything that would indicate her presence. I try not to disturb my animals especially the hiders, so since i saw webbing i naturally assumed she was in that area. Seeing uneaten crickets (2) makes me think possibly they ate her. Its possibly though i think very low chance she escaped.
I’m so sorry, that’s really upsetting. Is it possible she’s in the enclosure after all and you just missed her, like if she’s clinging to some decor is is hiding in a crack in cork bark or something like that? How small is this specimen?
I’ve heard of crickets chewing on or even killing inverts and reptiles, but I’ve never heard of them completely consuming an animal such that there was literally nothing left (especially when it’s just two crickets and not a whole colony of them)…though that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened or couldn’t happen.
I pulled everything out sifted through the soil mix i even broke one of the decorations just so i could see if somehow she may have been wedged up inside it.
It is possible she could have escaped but i don’t recall ever coming over to see any gap in the sliding screen top. I will continue to look for signs of her in the house just incase. Eventually she is likely to web something to make a home. But im not 100% one way or the other its crazy. Im use to most of my animals hiding for weeks or months but the uneaten crickets kinda had me be like " i better dig her up to see if shes ok"
I’m so sorry. Doesn’t sound like you’re going to see your spider again. I know you care greatly about your creatures. I am sorry.