ID help black pastel or black pastel sable

Hello everyone need a little help on identifying these babies. The paring was a sable to a black pastel Mojave ghost. The are both deep in shed but hopefully we can still figure it out.


Nice looking snake! I think it might be better to see after shed pics, just to dull to see true colors at the moment. To me the pattern and flames looks a lot like some just black pastels I have produced, that’s my best guess. But I have no sables in my collection, so I could be wrong. Love to see after shed, either way!


I figured them being in shed would be difficult I will post new pics in a couple days when then shed out

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Definitely wait until post-shed. Until then, I am going to tag @saleengrinch in because I know he works extensively with Sable


It will definitely be waaayyyy easier after it’s out of the blue. Looks mojave sable in this picture. And some better pictures on a solid background. Are they two different snakes tough for tell from the pictures?

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Black pastel normally will have a cleaner belly per morphpedia and reflected in my collection, my sables all have black markings on the belly as a spotnose (see morphpedia) would and mine as well do (related traits). I hope this helps. If needed I will get a picture later.

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There is an excellent example of mojave sable on the sable page

It’s right after the excellent example of sable vanilla🙃


my photography skills are nonexistent, if you could get pictures of the bellies of a sable and a black pastel cwpoexotics could get a better idea of genes, even before the shed

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It’s a combo so I don’t think belly pictures are going to help. The main thing I would look at to determine what genes they have in this particular pairing is the smearing and color of the alien heads.


top pic black pastel, GHI, yellowbelly (clean belly), mid pic pastel, sable (black checkering typical sable) bottom pic leopard, yellow belly, spotnose, (typical checkering of spotnose or sable combos I have seen) I know the mudball is fat she ate a really big meal. super pastel, sable, specter (not pictured) did get checkering washed away, to your point Grinch

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I am pretty confident that these are BlkPastel and not Mojave, the alien heads have the eyebrows in them and those are lacking in the Mojave Sable.


I’d like to see post shed pictures first lol. Admittedly I’ve never hatched black pastel sable. I have hatched mojave sable. Either way I’m fairly confident the sable gene is present lol


I’m pretty positive that they are not Mojave sable.

These are fresh shed I’m pretty sure they are sable but not sure on the black pastel

Those pictures help alot they look black pastel sable to me.

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