Id help please 🙏

Quick background…I purchased a female hypo from a gentleman, he said she was proven by a different breeder, but he did not breed her for one reason or another. I get her feeding and after a few months she drops 3 eggs for me. Unfortunately can no longer contact the breeder i purchased her from, to see who pops might be…I do know he had a specter het hypo and a Cypress het hypo in his collection.

  1. I’m pretty sure is a regular hypo

  2. I’m pretty sure is a normal het hypo

  3. I think is a Cypress hypo, this is the one I’m really interested in

  4. an example of a Cypress hypo i pulled off of morphmarket sold archives (not produced by me)

Any help would be awesome, thank you all


I agree with you on all 3.


I agree with you both.

Congratulations on the free snakes :metal::metal::metal::metal::joy: