ID Help, Special or not

Hello guys, I just got the first clutch of my life
It’s Pastel Banana Leopard Clown x Pastel special het clown
I’m really struggling with morph they are, Especially whether it has Special or not.
I have locking pics, individual pics under LED light, group photo(before shed).
I will take the group photo and individual pic under natural light later when I have time.
Thanks Very much for your kindly help.

Group Photo(Unshed)


  1. Super pastel Leopard Special? het Clown?
  2. Super Pastel Banana Clown? Is there a special?
  3. Pastel Leopard Banana het Clown?
  4. Pastel Banana het Clown?
  5. Pastel Leopard clown
  6. Pastel Leopard Banana (Special?) het clown
  7. Pastel (Special?) Het clown
  8. Pastel Leopard Banana Clown
  9. Super Pastel Leopard Clown
  10. Pastel Special Banana het Clown?
  11. Leopard Special Banana Clown?

Thanks very much again for any info you can provide, especially regarding on Special.
Please let me know if you need any other pictures! :pray: :pray: :pray:


latest group pic fyr


I wish I could help with identification but I wanted to say they are so beautiful!! What a gorgeous first clutch.


Congratulations on a stupendous first clutch :+1:! I too wish I could help with ids but I am not schooled in morph identification unfortunately.

But congrats :balloon::champagne::confetti_ball::tada: again!


no worries buddy :rofl:, thank you any way


Thanks buddy! These little ones just look tasty :joy: :snake:


Holy cow, they are all stunning! Welcome to the community! I hope you can get some confirmation or opinions from others here since I’m not great at identification. But congratulations!

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