Ideas for Gargoyle Gecko Enclosure

Hello there. I will soon be getting a gargoyle gecko. I have a pvc enlclosure from metazoics. It is 16x16x24. Need ideas for the decor. Not going bioactive. My son did a great background for his bearded dragon with foam platforms and spray foam covered in dry lock. He would love to come up with something similar for this one. My concern is that with the smaller and arboreal enclosure, platforms set into the walls will be less ideal. I see folks just lean up long pieces of driftwood and cork bark for verticality. Suction cups will not be an option since it is pvc. Any ideas are appreciated! Thanks!


Ledges on the walls are definitely great for geckos cause you can use them to prop/attach wood and rope bridges plus they love using them, my gecko uses his all the time. I also have used Paracord string to string up wood and bamboo from the screen mesh ceiling.


I keep my gargoyle’s enclosure more minimalistic. It’s bioactive for now but I’m thinking about removing the substrate to give him more room to climb and move around. I like to rearrange/rotate his furniture and interchange the plants to create some variety. I use cork bark, various sizes of hides, bamboo perches, plants, different things to climb on etc. I try to be creative……