Identify new male

Picked up this pair of het TSK axanthic over the weekend. The female looks like a regular pinstripe but the male looks like has something else going on. A fb group is saying OD Pin but I’m not seeing as much orange coloring as others I’ve seen. I’m guessing Fire or lesser pin.


It looks like a slightly reduced pattern normal pinstripe in my opinion. It can be hard to tell if fire is in there from just pics. It does look like a nice bright dorsal, but no head blush or really obvious pattern changes. I would say not a lesser, they usually have a busier side pattern and a really defined wacky dorsal stripe. See what other people think as well, but for me I would consider it a nice looking normal pin.


I dont think od,and as @banereptiles says no head blush so probably not fire,could just be a funky looking normal pin,very nice though regards Tony


I am also leaning towards just pin


Definitely not Lesser. I’m not familiar with identifying Fire or OG in Pins, but he looks like a single gene Pin to me.

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Fire pin looks correct to me, but it’s not a particularly good line of fire.

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