IHS Reptile show and budgetting

Im going to the IHS show on Sep 17th and im planning on buying a list of things:
Feeding Tongs, thermometer, a lock for my viv for Candy, a hognose, corktube , suitable enclosure and a heat mat. Im looking to stock up on more bedding also.
Im looking for random decor such as new hides, rocks, fake plants and anything that is colourful.
How much of a budget do you think i would need? I would prefer a baby hog and dont care what the morph is, however toffees and other morphs are gorgeous. What would you suggest?


I’d plan to budget $300-400 for the supplies, along with the amount for a hognose like you’re wanting. Always better to have more than you need.


I’m with @randall_turner_jr on the supply budget. $400 would likely be the better estimate for those depending on what you’re looking for, enclosure wise. As for the hognose, you’re likely to need a bare minimum of $200-300 for a normal. Expect $250+ for something like an Albino, and $300+ for Toffee Belly. Do be aware that depending on your area, there may not be a lot of Hognose morphs available. I know around me it’s absolutely rare to see hognoses offered at all, and if they’re there, the selection isn’t great.


I would consider just using expo to get the encloure and supplies, and to look around at hognoses, and then buy one later through morphmarket or take a breeder’s business card. That way you will have time to fully setup the enclosure in advance and resist the temptation of falling in love with an animal at first sight


I have a setup and enclosure already planned ahead for the baby hog once it graduates from their baby sized enclosure so setting up wouldnt be an issue, and ive also heard that its incredibly cheaper at expos and such and im ready for the hog its just a question of with all my expenses what would a good budget be to set for myself that i dont go over


Thank you for the advice, also its uk gbp currency here but honestly shouldnt be an issue converting or anything. Ive only ever had peers tell me about how chesp these expos are and never got a good estimate


Since you’re in the UK, things might actually be notably cheaper than they are here. I do know it’s much easier to find affordable snakes on your side of the pond. I feel like £450 is a good number to cover the basics and a snake, depending on morph.


Yeah over here a good budget for a ball python is usually 50-150, thank you for the help with the budgeting. Im just so scared that i would have had an unrealistic budget when i went there so thanks for the advice


I also wanted to clarify that i have a suitable enclosure for when this baby hog has grown, however id be purchasing a suitable enclosure from the expo for the baby for their specific size just in the meantime before they age up. Im specifically looking at sexed male hognoses, not for any breeding purposes, however they are considerably smaller than their female counterpart and so the enclosure for them as an adult is much more suitable


Sounds like you have pretty much everything planned then! I was at the last show and managed to pick up a £120 snake for £20 lol. He was a pastel pinstripe GHI ball python.


Hello @nattefrost! Hognoses are fantastic! I’m excited for you!

Do you have such things in the UK as sterilite tubs? because all you would need is a 6 or 8 quart tub with some burrowing like substrate, a couple of small hides a heat mat and a water bowl. To start off with.

You can find greenery at craft/hobby stores. Cork bark at expos sells by the pound. You can make your own hides by using empty boxes from the kitchen like cracker, cake, or snack boxes etc. 0 cost. Sterilite tubs would be around 7 dollars here. If you bought something at the expo you will pay a LOT MORE MONEY.

Your heat mat would be around 30 dollars here. The greenery would be just a few dollars at a craft store but you really don’t need it at first. That imho would be great for the adult enclosure. I’m assuming you already have the thermostat, etc for the heating?

It sounds like you don’t have the baby enclosure set up yet so I agree with @chesterhf here. You need to be totally set up before you buy the hoggie. Also there are tons of hoggie varieties on MM bred by stellar breeders. It’s better not to buy a snake on impulse although I have it before and not without consequences.

But you really should have the baby enclosure set up and ready for the baby before you buy the baby…….

Anyway it’s hard to for me to give you a lump sum estimate because I don’t know the UK product costs. However if you will make a list of the items discussed here and in the other posts and price them, you will have a good idea of what money you will need. You have plenty of time to do this before the expo.

If you do decide to buy your hoggie at the expo, you will might be saving the shipping cost unless the seller buries it in the cost of the snake………