Import/Export Advisory:
Certain airlines (Air Canada and reportedly Lufthansa and Thai Airways International) have begun what should be a temporary moratorium on transporting “cold-blooded animals” (reptiles, amphibians, and fish) in certain aircraft that have “non-heated cargo bays.” So far, this seems to include B-737 and smaller aircraft. Air Canada is currently only allowing these shipments on B-777 aircraft.
In a Cargo Compliance Advisory, Air Canada stated: Effectively immediately, all COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS (PLC) cannot be loaded into non-heated cargo bays, therefore, only B-777 is allowed to transport PLC shipments.
Last week, several fish shipments booked on Air Canada were informed that Air Canada was no longer accepting “cold-blooded animals.” This seems to be a misinterpretation regarding an International Air Transport Association (IATA) directive as Air Canada stated the embargo is the result of an “IATA Mandate.”
We advise shippers utilizing these airlines to be sure their shipments will be cleared before booking and will inform as updates are provided.