So after seeing a really nice anery boa one of the morph market users posted and loving it’s pattern for no reason at all got me thinking about how I decide which snakes I like and which I don’t. Which ones I would impulse buy if I had the money and supplies and which ones I’d pass up on.
I am very picky and odd when it comes to liking certain patterns or colors. Sure I can look at a snake or gecko and go “hey that looks nice wish I had that!”. But sometimes I see something totally random and go “woahhh that looks amazing, wow”. Just totally random snakes or other reptiles that my gut pulls me towards.
Has anyone else felt like this? Any random impulse buys or weird gut feelings that just pull you towards a certain reptile? Or am I just weird LOL
This happens to me all the time! But I will give some advice figure out what you like and want to work with ahead of time. Make a loose plan at least or else you will end up with animals you are trying to fit into projects or never using. This advice is if your planning to breed if you just want to keep animals you find visually pleasing then impulse buy away!!! As long as you can provide them adequate care of course!!!
Every time I scroll through Morphmarket lol, I constantly have to tell myself that I shouldn’t keep buying more snakes. I recently saw an awesome looking Leopard possible Gravel female on Morphmarket who I would love to have (to me she definitely looks like she has Gravel), but I just bought a nice Red Stripe girl so I don’t have the money for another snake right now .
I try to save pictures of snakes that I really love patterns and color. The last was a really beautiful full size retic. (I could never handle or keep a snake that big.)
I have a lot of those moments, especially if I’m browsing MM by newest first or some other filter that shows everything available. As far as impulse buying goes, I keep a list of genes I “need” on my phone, and will only allow myself to impulse buy off that list. That way it allows some spontaneity in my shopping but also keeps my project on track.
Went to an expo for first time in a year and had those moments about a few items. Decided against most of them cuz we weren’t working with them currently. It usually just gives us ideas for the future.
I have a list of reptiles I want and since money’s been tight it kills me when something I want pops up on Morph or faunaclassifieds. I’m always like…Damn I might not see another one of these up for sale again lol. I’m big on variety and like the harder to find exotic types but along with rare species comes a high price tag…Plus running out of space