Incubating help

How high can the humidity be for the eggs. Having trouble keeping it below 98. Eggs are not getting wet but this is my first clutch and the genes are going to be very valuable.
Please and thank you for any asssitance. I see online 55-65% but saw a video that said over 90%


In theory your incubation tub you have the eggs in should be that high, easily over 90%. Just make sure eggs aren’t touching water or getting dripped on and you’re golden.


thank you. I was using a new small vevor incubator it will not accompany a tub with lids so I switched to an enclosed heated rack that will fit the tubs with lids. Have a great weekend.


I keep pretty much 100 humidity in my egg boxes. I’ve also used maternal incubation in the past so know they can tolerate somewhat less humidity and some drying out is ok.

The condensation on the underside of the lid is a function not just of high humidity but also of a temperature gradient where the lid is cooler than the air in the tub. For me that only happens the last week or so of incubation as the eggs start making extra heat. The rest of the time my in tub temperature is slightly lower than the background incubator temp. Maybe that is due to slight evaporate cooling as I do have a few small air holes in my tubs and my incubator has dry air. I try not to open my incubator too much but invariably can’t help myself near the end so take a paper towel to the underside of the lid if I see condensation.