What is the best thermostat and substrate to use for incubator? I acquired a possibly gravid female over the weekend and we didnt know it until pick up. If she lays it wont be until end of June. I have done research but im getting confilcting info. So what do yall recommend. Best thermostat? Vermiculite v. Hatchrite? What should the tempa and humidity be in the incubator?
Cant go wrong with Herpstat or VE thermostats. I use Herpstats on everything. As far as substrate, I have only ever used vermiculite and it has always worked fine. However, this season I am going to give perlite a shot with the egg crate light diffuser. It looks like it will be less messy when they start to hatch. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I love the herpstat or Vivarium Electronic. I also use hatchrite because there is no guess work… lol. It is more expensive than a bag of perlite but for small number of clutches it isn’t too bad. I use 6 qt tubs. temp in my incubator is set for 89 degrees, and the humidity is practically 100%. I use press n seal over the top before putting the lid on. just don’t want the condensation dripping on the eggs. I alsoput my eggs directly on the substrate instead of using a grate.
I’ve been using wet paper towels for years so it’s not exactly something that factors in in a big way. Use what you’re most comfortable with so that you aren’t stressed out about that detail during incubation.
Definitely use press n seal on top of the tub, under the lid, and don’t put holes in the tub. It eliminates a LOT of small issues that can cause problems for inexperienced breeders. The eggs don’t need air exchange until close to hatch. I pull the press n seal off at day 50. I have friends who leave it on until day 55 and have no issues even if the snakes pip.