Incubator power back up's ! What do you all use?

So this past Monday night we had some severe weather here. Power went out just before midnight.
It was never restored untill Wednesday evening around 8.
This was my warning! What would I do in the future when there are a clutch or two in the incubator!?
What do you guys and gals use for a back up power source for your incubators in the event of power outages?
I’ve looked at a couple of different options. Dual fuel generator, solar power battery bank.
I can’t wait to hear what you came up with.


I’m a contractor and live pretty rural so I have several generators between home and work. I have a backfeed plug installed in my electrical panel and I just shut off all the breakers for circuits that don’t run critical outlets/lights and shut off the main infeed to the panel. Then I plug my generator in and let it backfeed power into the panel. For someone without a complete grasp of single phase 120/240v power I wouldn’t suggest this method.

Personally for occasional emergency power, I would buy one of the 2200w Generac Suitcase Inverter Generator. It puts out 18 amps (2200 watts) and if you buy from a contractors tool supply store you can get one for under $600. They’re simple to use and don’t require you to know how generators work, everything is basically auto. We’ve got a couple hundred hours on a couple them on job-sites and they’re holding up pretty well.


I also have a generator never had to use it but it’s there if I need it!


If you keep a lot of water in the incubator (to hold temps stable) and remove any ventilation if the power goes out (if there is any), it should be fine for a day or two without power. But, if you’re worried about longer outages a generator would be a good idea. Depending how much power the incubator uses a UPS might keep it running for a few hours, but I don’t personally think it’s worth it for the price since it won’t run it for very long.


Generator. Gas powered and I only use it for the incubator and if I have girls due to lay


I don’t have a big collection, one snake and eventually two, so I’d be running emergency power off the big backup battery Jackery Powerbank style thing I’ve got for emergencies. If you have a teeny tiny menagerie, that’s possibly an option.


I really appreciate everyone’s input. Thank you all!

I really like the idea of a rechargeable battery bank or box. But that will only last so long. A generator seems to be the best option. Not only for the incubator.

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Yeah I have a solar panel array for my battery box because even in Winter, it’s often very sunny up here in the deserty parts of the Rockies.