I’m going to make an Invert and Amphibian trial run to replicate the “of the month” competitions.
Entries must not be digitally enhanced
Watermarks may contain the photographer’s name or basic logo.
The picture must be taken by you and be of an animal or group of animals that belong to you.
As it is a trial run I’m going to say to limit the pictures to 2.
1 invertebrate and/or 1 of amphibians.
If there are enough picture submissions and it goes well then there might be an official I/AOTM competition for February.
Pictures must only be of invertebrates and/or amphibians.
Official voting (in a separate thread) will be open from 21st until the last day of the month.
Winner will be announced on the 1st of the following month
In the event that more than 25 entries are submitted the number of likes will determine which entries will be selected to officially enter the contest.
Note: This is a submission thread, please only post to submit your picture any other posts will be deleted.
Thank you.