Is a high white calico genetic

Based on my experience with pied (and other genes) there is definitely a line bred/polygenetic trait component to it. Yes it’s a gene where you can predict the number of visual pied animals you’ll get/the chances of that, but it does seem that high white to high white tends to produce high white, and low white to low white tends to produce low white (setting aside variables for different genes that can affect amount of pattern, and outliers). My understanding of calico is the same - that a high expression animal from a high expression line is more likely to produce high expressions, and a lower expression/lower white animal from low white lines is more likely to produce lower white animals, while both can always throw something out of the “norm.”

I have a medium white calico female whose lineage I don’t know breeding for me the first time this year and about to ovulate. I may post when hatchlings are coming out to take a look at the expression of the gene in different animals in the clutch.


This would explain a lot


There is a polygenic influence to it. But if pairing a pied to a het pied it can seem to be random. I’m pretty sure that this is because for the visual parent you can tell if it’s low/medium/high white pied but for the heterozygous parent you don’t know what the polygenic genes would be like until it’s bred, which can result in a hard to predict variation in the offspring.


I’d like to hop on the train as well, I have a nice high white calico and she came from a high white parent. Personally I’ve seen high white throw high/mid white and low white throw low white. I have seen exceptions to this, but I think the trends will mostly follow the parent’s expression. Of course I also consider the quality to be a determining factor and have seen some stunning mid/low whites that present better than some lower end high whites.

I’ve also noted that sugars tend to be more high quality and higher whites than calicos, so just something to consider! I can’t wait to breed Pickles and see what she produces. I don’t think I could be disappointed at all, she’s one of my favorite pickups this year.

Photos of Pickles for tax haha


This thread has some of the best calico pictures on the web.
Buy for me its about what you love, not the latest trend or money making opportunity. :face_with_monocle:

If I see any like these for sale, I will find the cash, to H&^% with my plans and breeding programmes. sometimes you just have to do what you love. Genetic or not…


Just adding because calicos are so underrated! I’m hoping the high whites pass down once she breeds!