Is he a butter bee?

I am trying to get a good identification on my male ball python. He is about 3 or 4 years old, 40 inches long, and ready to find a female companion. His markings trail past the halfway mark but not all the way to the belly. His belly turns pink when about to shed but is normally a cream color. I was told that he might be a calyspo when i bought him, but i dont know. The living conditions that i found him and the other snake I purchased from them told me it didnt matter. I had to get them out of there. Any assistance would be awesome!

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Definitely not just a Butterbee. My best guess is butter spider calico.

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Just something to think about: he may be better off having a peaceful life not breeding. With unknown genetics and who knows what kind of issues he had to deal with prior to you getting him (going based off your comment on his living conditions), I would advise just keeping him as a pet.

I know how tempting it can be to want to breed, but something that I would personally like to advocate for is getting quality animals from reputable sources for breeding.

Nothing wrong with rescuing animals and nursing them back to health, but there’s just some risks that should at least be considered first.

That said, I agree that calico is likely present, with the reduced pattern that you would usually see with spider being contained to a mostly thicker stripe down the back and high white sides. Is he in shed currently? If so it would be best to get some more photos post shed to see his true colors.