Is it too early to be pre-lay shed?

The lady in question was paired December 10th and there was a confirmed lock. She was water bowl wrapping for three days about a week ago. I’m still getting used to the timing between “steps” with breeding, but she’s now getting ready to shed - could this be a pre-lay shed? I haven’t seen any lumping and I don’t have an ultrasound, but she has been looking extra thick lately. I paired her earlier in the year as well but nothing came of it…but I know they can hold on to sperm as they see fit for quite a while. Should I be on the lookout for eggs or do you think it’s just coincidence?

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I think it’s more likely just a coincidence, and if you saw her bowl wrapping within the last few weeks then she hasn’t ovulated. If she was bowl wrapping to cool for breeding, you’d be seeing it as a very consistent behavior for quite an extended period of time (weeks at the very least) and in the weeks as she’s moving toward ovulation, you’d also see her move from cooling to curling on the hotspot to stay warm. She could be building follicles, but the behavior isn’t consistent with her having ovulated, so I sincerely doubt it’s a pre-lay shed.

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