Photos are from the end of feb and the end of march i feel iv been doing everything right but being my first time no doubt iv missed things. Any advice would be welcome as im allways wanting to learn.
Welcome to the community! You can find a lot of good advice/info here! As for your snake, it is very hard to tell just from pics. Unless you caught the ovulation which lasts just over a day and is real easy to miss.(looks like it has eaten a huge meal, but the bulge is slightly further down) There are some good signs to watch for though, there is bowl wrapping, seeking out the cool side of the cage and pressing the body against the sides even in some case’s. The closer she gets to laying she will become restless and cruise around the cage quite a bit. Sorry I couldn’t give you a definite answer! If you think she is, she will also do a pre lay shed which they will lay after 20 some to 40 days average around a month. So if she sheds and isn’t interested in food, it could be a pre lay shed and I would get a incubator ready just in case. Good luck!
I have noticed her on the cool side through the day im not overly optimistic iv done everything right if my times are right she could lay between now and 2 weeks time was just hoping people with more Experience could tell. I get it can be hard tho thanjs for taking thw time to look.and reply.
When were her last 2 sheds? Typically there will be a pre-ovi shed and then a pre-lay shed relatively close together. If you were going to see the ovi it would be between those 2 and then the countdown is on. Some people go by ovi, some people go by pre-lay shed. If you miss the ovi (happens) then I usually spitball if she had 2 sheds in under 50 days I will start checking for eggs around 28 days after the second shed (all other things considered).
I like the following information Breeding Pictorial – Markus Jayne Ball Pythons would be worth checking out. MarkusJane is one of the OG’s.
This was her 23rd of January
She shed a month later im not sure on the one before that. That link helps alot thanks guys think im giving it another 2 weeks if no eggs then back to square one
She does look lumpy there, just make sure you have your incubator set up with tubs and temp and humidity levels perfect. Don’t want to have to try and rush when it comes to temps and humidity for the eggs, should be nice and stable for a few day’s first. Keep us posted, pretty female!
I am not a breeder but here’s hoping you will have some nice healthy eggs soon! and mom is beautiful!
Her color is different so not sure if its the pre kay shed coming next if thats just the glow up i keep thinking im seeing the right signs but without expirence im just doubting myself lol.
Incubator is all set up temps stable but should i just make up the tubs with stuff ehen i see the eggs ?
The incubator needs to have the tubs with perelite/vermiculite/hatchright/papertowls or whatever substrate you are using in there and up to temperature with humidity levels stable 48 hours or more before eggs, you may get away with a day.(I wouldn’t cut it that close if you can help it) Since you are not sure about your female I am sure you are checking on her at least once a day. When females get ready most stop moving around, coil up and stay that way a day or two before she starts laying, so you can look for that. Also another sign of having eggs is inverted or sideways laying, I forgot to mention that in my previous post.
Thank you so much for the help ill keep monitoring one last question iv seen differnt things online do you put holes in the egg tubs?
No holes, some even put like plastic wrap over the top before the lid to keep humidity more stable, but I never have just the lid on a shoebox size container. I do use a light defuser on top of my perilite substrate, but this is probably unnecessary I just always have and have had great results so I don’t change my method. Very superstitious of me.