I currently have a BP I’ve been feeding like once a month. But I was thinking of feeding him every 2 weeks instead (if he takes it) because I’ve seen other people’s ball python and I feel like mine is small. He’s 2ish years and I think 4 ft and 1200. He hasn’t grown in weight or, i think, length in a few months now. Is he done or am i seriously feeding way too little? Im feeding small sized small rats
He’s not small - Males usually end up between 3-4.5 feet, and between 1000-1500g (though ofc some are bigger some are smaller). Mine is 4.5 years, just under 1kg and a little over 3 feet. So yours is actually decently sized at just 2 years, I would just stick to what you’re doing now. A lot of people overfeed their BPs so that might be why you think yours is small.
I personally feel that once a month is too little, especially if you are feeding small rats. But his size for age is good. If you keep the monthly feedings, i would increase to medium rats, around 85g.
If the animal is healthy then you are feeding it fine. These animals are evolved for boom/bust feeding so a good sized meal once a month it perfectly fine, especially for an adult male. None of my males are fed rats and most of mine are less than 1000g and all are perfectly healthy
That is a great size. Actually he seems to be a bit on the large size for his age. As long as his body condition is good then keep up what you are doing!
Ok! I might stick to once a month but order him bigger rats next time! His food has never left a lump with me (even with 80g rats) so I was just worried I was doing it wrong, I just don’t like feeding huge meals.
Yeah, I went to an expo and saw some massive BPs and was worried I wasn’t feeding mine properly lol. That’s good to know!
Okay, thank you!
So here’s something to think about. If your boy is eating consistently, I would not change a thing. I have discovered over the years that if I over feed my adult bps, I inadvertently induce feeding strikes.
A decent sized small rat fed once a month is more than sufficient for an adult ball python, especially a male. If you start making changes at this point, you may cause feeding issues down the road. Consistent smaller quantities is much better than larger sporadic meals. It has taken me YEARS to figure this out!
Just sayin….