Is something wrong with her legs?

First photo is Abbey yesterday, second photo is her at the breeder’s. (Breeder’s photo).

Her front legs and toes look different than before, is this normal? Are they swollen? Deficiency?

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I can’t see any difference between the 2 pics other than fired and unfired

Can you get another picture of the legs but mostly the toes?

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Maybe I worry too much, a little overprotective or something :sweat_smile:
She looks better today actually. Possibly it was the stress from being transported for hours yesterday and settling in in a new home that made her look weird.


I know what you mean, I over think things. Esp when it comes to my babies :sweat_smile:

I still can’t see anything but keep an eye on her

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She looks good! I don’t see anything to worry about :relaxed: