What morph are you trying to buy?
My husband loves the look of this one. We want something with leopard and clown. This one is being sold as a leopard pastel clown. But it doesn’t look like other I’ve seen. I want to make sure I’m not going to be spending a lot of money on something that’s not being sold with right morph. The parents are Blade Leopard Enchi Clown M x Pastel Clown
Looks like a pastel leopard clown to me
I think it’s a leopard clown with another morph added. I’m going to tag @nathan_e because I think he has both clown and leopard.
I’m seeing pastel leopard clown, and looks correctly labeled
Looks correctly labeled. This combo can be variable do to the fact that some individuals display a thicker/thinner stripe and more/less blushing.
As others have stated, that’s a Leo Pastel Clown. I’d be confident 100% buying that animals as it’s listed.
That would be a nice pickup for anyone!
Yeah for sure has leopard without a doubt. One of the most sure fire ways to identify Leopard in clown is the side spots. Here are both of my leopard clown combos. Regular Leo clown and a leopard enchi blade clown. Notice the side spots for both.
You can buy confident from that breeder he is about as stand up and legit as you can get.
I’m new here… and we have just bought our first snake so sorry to jump on this thread I have a similar question I’ve just uploaded about my het clown ball python just came on here to look as it’s a similar sort of post. Your snake is beautiful if anyone could have a quick look at our new baby I’d be really grateful! Thanks
Sure, you can start a new thread or put in a pic and I’ll be happy to help.
Looks very much like pastel leopard clown!